Salvage Stories | Transforming a Marble Boulder into a Bolection


Adam was once quoted saying “My self-appointed remit is to put things back into circulation, not just shrug my shoulders and condemn them.”

That philosophy came to life on a recent trip to a stone yard…



We stumbled upon two abandoned fragments of (what would once have been) an impressive marble fireplace bolection… that were essentially useless in their current state. Fortunately, fate intervened—we also found an enormous raw marble boulder of the same ilk.



Over the past few weeks, they’ve been in the hands of a skilled artisanal stonemason, restoring them to their former glory. The completed bolection is nothing short of majestic – and is now available in our shop.





Christmas Opening Times

The shop will close at 6pm on the 20th of December and re-open on the 6th of January. We’ll be completing some behind-the-scenes work in the interim, so please feel free to send…
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RETROUVIUS Selected for the AD100 2025

We’re overjoyed to share that RETROUVIUS has been selected for the AD100 2025. A heartfelt thank you to ADGermany for recognising us among such an inspiring group of designers. It’s a profound honour…
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Reuse Inspiration | Boot Rooms

Materials that work well both inside and outside are ideal – salvaged brick, fossil limestone and old malting tiles have all been put to reuse in our projects over the years.
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